Reformed Confessions Theology for Rookies 1689 London Baptist Confession Spurgeon was Reformed
Reformed Confessions Theology for Rookies 1689 London Baptist Confession Spurgeon was Reformed
This video will give you an an introduction to the Reformed Rookie website and what we'll be teaching in the video series on Calvinism, Reformed theology, and the Reformation
Learn the distinctly reformed
perspective about many of the
doctrines you may already be familiar with
Listen to seasoned pastors and
Christian leaders explain the richness
and beauty of the reformed faith
Memorizing the catechism is a
simple way to learn biblical
reformed theology and doctrine
recovered through the reformation
The 1689 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith codifies the essentials of Reformed Doctrine
To share the richness and beauty of
reformed theology with beginners
in order to promote and preserve
the doctrines of grace for future