Reformed Confessions Theology for Rookies 1689 London Baptist Confession Spurgeon was Reformed
Reformed Confessions Theology for Rookies 1689 London Baptist Confession Spurgeon was Reformed
Click Here for the audio files:
Session 1: God's Sovereignty
Pastor Jim Capo teaches on God's sovereignty over all creation and lays a foundation that will undergird all of the doctrines of grace as well as permeate all of scripture.
Session 2: Total Depravity
Anthony Uvenio explains mankind's deadness in sin and inability to make righteous choices. This doctrine magnifies the mercy and grace of God in salvation, and is the ground for the subsequent doctrines of grace.
Session 3: Unconditional Election
Pastor Bruce Bennett explains God's gracious choice of the sinner to eternal life and why it's unconditional. Grace means favor!
Session 4: Limited Atonement
Elias Ayala explains that God's atonement for sinners is a true payment for sin and not limited in power, but in scope. Col 2:14 provides the backdrop for this session.
Session 5: Irresistible Grace
Pastor Rich Jensen explains the necessity of a grace that can overcome the deadness of man in his sins and raise him to new life.
Session 6: Perseverance of the Saints
Pastor Micah McCormick deftly explains the common misunderstanding of this doctrine and the importance of getting it right. There is great comfort in knowing the gospel brings us all the way home.
Session 7: Objections to Calvinism
Pastor Marc Grimaldi skillfully and pastorally addresses the common misconceptions and concerns that many people have when they encounter the doctrines of grace.
Session 8: Q&A
Listen as six of the presenters field audience questions and expand on the topics that were taught over the past two days. This is a must listen!
Please download these important resources
Join the LI Spurgeon Fellowship as we expound on the rich biblical doctrines of grace recovered in the Reformation. Please also download the free Doctrines of Grace scripture guide below. Get your Tickets Here, or there ------------>
In recent times, the church has lost it's passion for learning biblical doctrine and traded it for emotional experiences. As Christians, we are called to teach sound doctrine and refute those that contradict it.
Please join us along with several local pastors and teachers as we teach and expound upon these vital doctrines central to the Christian faith.
It will be a time of learning, discussing, and defining what is and isn't biblical Christian doctrine.
The schedule is as follows:
Friday Nov. 1st
God's Sovereignty 7pm
Total Depravity 8pm
Saturday Nov. 2nd
Unconditional Election 10am
Limited Atonement. 11am
LUNCH 12-1:30pm
Irresistible Grace 1:30pm
Perseverance of the Saints 2:30pm
Is Calvinism Biblical? 3:30pm
Question & Answers 4:30pm